Hello Dallas, my name is Claudia…

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So, as my first entry on my new blog, I feel that I should introduce myself and give a quick(ish) intro to how I found myself in Dallas. Here we go…

As you know, my name is Claudia and I am from Birmingham, AL. Growing up in a Crimson Tide-blooded family…I was very rebellious (no pun intended) and decided to venture across state lines to attend college at Ole Miss. I majored in communications and loved every single minute of my time there. Oxford, MS is a magical place and I cherish the fours years that I was able to call it home. I came back home to Birmingham after graduating and hopped around a bit with my career path. I spent six months in an internship with Southern Living, three years in a tourism nonprofit and finally made my way into advertising. While I was working at Luckie and Company, I met Jon (the guy) and we’ve been inseperable ever since. After nearly two years at Luckie and over five years in Birmingham, I decided that it was time for a change in pace and in scenery. Jon and I both found jobs in Dallas working for the same ad agency (it’s fate) and we made our way over here in mid-July of this year.

So…the highlights and photos from the first three months are below.

1. Attending the Alabama vs. Michigan game at Cowboys Stadium
Both Jon and I are huge Bama fans. I was born into a Bama family and he attended college there, so this opportunity was so exciting! Jon was offered FREE tickets from a coworker to attend and he gladly took them. We had only been in Dallas a little over a month, so it was so nice to not only see such a fantastic stadium, but to be with our fellow Bama fans. We almost felt like we were back in Tuscaloosa. With amazing seats and a 44-14 win, it was a perfect day.

2. Visiting the Grassy Knoll
Jon’s parents came to visit us a few weeks ago so of course the Grassy Knoll was at the top of the to-do list! I was actually really excited about this trip because I love history. We had a blast! It was perfect weather and Jon and I got really into the conspiracy theories and were forming our own conclusions about what really happened. I always find it interesting how some of the most meaningful places in our country’s history seem so incredibly ordinary. There was a part of me that thought, “This is it?” But at the same time, recognizing the exact scene from video footage and photograhy of the assassination and thinking, “President Kennedy was killed right here.” It’s kind of interesting, don’t you think?

3. Seeing the Chihuly Glass Exhibit at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
We went to the Arboretum the same weekend that Jon’s parents were in town. The Chihuly exhibit was Mexican blown glass that was creatively displayed throughout the gardens. I was skeptical at first, but it was quite breath-taking. It was so relaxing; I love the outdoors – it always renews my spirit to be near things that are growing and beautiful.

All in all, these are the highlights of Dallas so far. Of course there have been other amazing things….stay tuned!

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